She only cried for a little bit and after she settled down a bit I put a cold towel on her head. I noticed a bruised bump rising on her forehead so I wrapped a frozen bag of peas in a towel and tried to put that on her head to help the swelling. Astrid kept pushing it away but I think it helped a little bit.

I gave her some baby Tylenol (her head must have been throbbing) and she played with her toys in her chair next to me like nothing happened.
A few hours later the lump was gone and the area on her forehead was just a little red/pinkish in color. When Uwe got home he had Astrid on his lap and felt around for the lump but couldn't find it. I had to point out the area to him. It's amazing how fast babies heal.
What a pitiful little look in the first picture. Then, in the second, I bet she was thinking...I'm gonna get you for this mommy. :) I sure wish there had been such things as "blogs" when my two were babies. What a wonderful way to document her first year. And, you do such a fantastic job of it.
Thanks Shane! What a nice compliment, and coming from a mom of 2 it means a lot to me!
The falling phase is kinda dicey, isn't it?
Glad to see she's none the worse for wear.
I'm glad it's just a phase and I hope she grows out of it soon. that or i'll have to invest in a helmet. =)
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