They have these handheld mesh bags for sale for babies to eat food through so they won't choke on large pieces. It's called a "Baby Safe Feeder." We bought one for Astrid months ago but this is the first time I've tried it. It's for use up to 2 years of age and the mesh bag is pretty resilient to teeth.
The inventor of the bag said his son nearly choked to death on a piece of teething biscuit so he invented this mesh bag which only allows tiny pieces through that won't lodge in a baby's throat.

Would you like a fresh banana pop?

Astrid didn't know what to do with it at first.

She kept squishing it with her fingers...

...until I put it in her mouth and she took a bite and got some banana in her mouth. By the pucker it looks like it was too tart. She got the gag reflex. She had that on New Year's day when we gave her a tiny piece of banana (but that time she actually threw up). This time I gave her some water and she kept it down.

But she really didn't care for it. Anyone have any ideas of what other foods I could put in the mesh bag for Astrid to try?
Hi Rose--
Gosh! She's getting cuter and cuter! (And bigger!)
You could try pears, sweet potato, or squash in the mesh bag. If you steam the foods first to cook and soften them up, should work great. You could try this with any of the foods she's already getting--mango would be another good one to try.
We had so much fun moving Thomas from baby food to real food. In most cases his favorite baby foods became his favorite real foods too. It's amazing to see how fast they change!
Steaming...what a great idea. Thanks for the tip Liz!
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