It's day 2 for us in San Fran.

Astrid sitting in her cell er crib provided by the hotel.

The view from overhead.

Astrid's wearing her ducky jacket in the taxi on the way down to the wharf for some crab.

Originally we planned to get a babysitter so we could go out to dinner and not disrupt Astrid's bedtime (7:00 PM), but the babysitting service never called us back. So when I got back to the hotel (after doing some shopping) Uwe and I made an executive decision to leave for dinner with Astrid and rush back to put her to bed (which would be an hour after her bedtime at 8:00 PM).

Astrid being held up in front of the boat by her Papa.

"What's going on? Shouldn't I be getting my evening bath right about now?"

Our friend John also flew in to San Fran to see Danny Tenaglia spin at The Ruby Skye.

Here we are in our matching lobster bibs.
As expected Astrid was tired and a little fussy during dinner (as it was past her bedtime) but once Uwe held her on his lap, she settled down a bit and we got through dinner without any crying or major fussing. But since only one of us had the full use of both hands, I was the designated crab meat picker so that Uwe could eat while he was holding Astrid. Uwe told John that he can expect to do the same (for many meals) once he gets married and has a kid. (John recently got engaged to his girlfriend Lisa.)
In the taxi on the way back to the hotel Astrid was falling asleep so when we got back Uwe quickly bathed Astrid, I fed her, and she went to sleep without any problems.
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