Other than resorting to baby gates (which I will buy eventually to keep Astrid safe and also be functional for us to use) I'm trying to teach her what things are off limits (like the electronic equipment around the TV), since I won't always be able to keep barricades up to keep her out of things and I don't want to live like that either. When she gets close I say her name and tell her not to go there and entice her back with a toy or a book. She seems to understand the tone of my voice and that she's not supposed to be playing over there. Most of the time she will stop and come back and play with her toys or sit on my lap while I read to her, but there are still many times when she will look at me then back at the electronic equipment and then make a decision that it's worth it to go for all those buttons and lights. I know it's her curiosity but I think it's important to establish limits (not just physical ones) early on, that she understands.
Thats a good idea. some things, obviously that aren't safe you want to take out of their reach. but i always had things out that wouldn't necessarily hurt them but i specifically by the tone of my voice told them they couldnt touch. and it worked. they need to understand their boundaries.
I agree with needing to establish limits. Doug and I have really been big on that with Isabella. For the most part she's learned what she can and can't play with, but she does have her days where playing with something she shouldn't is worth getting into trouble.
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