I'm not tagging anyone this time, but if you'd like to do your own please leave me a comment. I'd love to read everyone's answers.
4 Places You've Worked in Your Life
1. Social Services Agency
2. Financial Planning Firm
3. Executive Benefits Firm
4. Elementary School
4 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over
1. Ground Hog Day
2. Dogtown & Z-Boys (Documentary)
3. Love Story (gets me every time)
4. American Movie (hilarious!)
4 Places You Have Lived
1. Diamond Bar, CA
2. Dana Point, CA
3. Newport Beach, CA
4. Los Angeles, CA
4 TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. Lost
2. Big Brother
3. Survivor
4. Project Runway
4 Places You Have Been on Vacation
1. Germany
2. Holland
3. Switzerland
4. Fiji
4 Websites You Visit Daily
1. yahoo
2. blogspot (to update my blog)
3. mommy & daddy blogs
4. craigslist
4 Favorite Foods
1. Haedobop (sashimi bowl with rice and vegetables)
2. Seaweed Soup
3. Jajiangmeun (noodles with black bean sauce)
4. Jahmpung (noodles in a spicy broth with seafood)
(Notice all 4 items are Korean dishes? Can you tell I'm craving Korean food?)
4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
1. Australia
2. Movie Theater (watching "Brokeback Mountain")
3. Spa (getting a massage and facial)
4. Hiking with Uwe and Astrid (in her backpack carrier)
(Anywhere but here waiting for the termite company to finish replacing the dry rot wood on our deck.)
WHAT? You're not tagging anyone? **sniff sniff**
I'll have to go veg on this for awhile.
tag or no tag ... since I don't really like putting memes on my blog ... here are my answers anyway
4 Places You've Worked in Your Life
1. Driving Ambulance for the Red Cross
2. Clothing retail store
3. Pizza place
4. A bank (for 11 years)
4 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over
1. Southpark: Bigger Longer Uncut
2. Several Bruce Willies movies
3. Scrooged (every xmas if time allows)
4. Road Trip (not really sure why)
4 Places You Have Lived
1. New York, NY
2. Suva, Fiji
3. Torino, Italy
4. Several cities in Germany
4 TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. Battlestar Galactica
2. Lost
3. Smallville
4. Veronica Mars
(Kitchen Confidential, but that has been cancelled already)
(Firefly, also cancelled)
4 Places You Have Been on Vacation
1. Japan
2. Caribbean (all over, for diving)
3. Several road trips through the US
4. New Zealand
4 Websites You Visit Daily
1. Ain't it cool news
2. Friend's blogs on my blog roll
3. Mac Rumor sites
4 Favorite Foods
1. Sushi: Ikura and Uni
2. Thai red duck curry
3. Turkish Doener Kebab
4. Good Italian Pizza, preferably spicy toppings
Bonus: Lamb Vindaloo
4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
1. New York
2. In bed, knowing I can sleep in
3. Hawaii (never been there, but it sounds like a great mix of US, Japan, Fiji)
4. Can't come up with #4 ... guess I like it here :)
Can someone defne that term 'meme' for me? or how to pronounce that?
Thanks to Wikipedia:
The term "meme" (rhymes with "theme"), derived from the Greek word mimema, "something imitated" often refers to a piece of information passed from one mind to another.
The term first came into popular use with the publication of the book The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins in 1976, and the conceptual framework of memes borrows from the study of genes -- the units of biological transmission.
Historically, the notion of a unit of social evolution, and a similar term (from Greek mneme, 'memory'), first appeared in 1904 in a work by the German evolutionary biologist Richard Semon: Die Mnemische Empfindungen in ihren Beziehungen zu den Originalenempfindungen, translated into English in 1921 as The Mneme.
By analogy with genetics, a meme passes from generation to generation via family and cultural traditions or training rather than via sexual reproduction, with occasional "mutations."
Another common usage of the term "meme" relates closely to academic study of folklore and the informal communication of cultural information, in which memes fit into an analogy of "language as a virus".
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