Astrid actually has 2 teeth coming in at once. One on the bottom (that I already mentioned) and one on the top (shown here).

At least they're coming in order. No snaggle tooth yet.

The new tooth on top (see arrow pointing to it) is to the right (her right) of the 2 front teeth. Once this tooth comes in she'll have 4 top teeth. Astrid now has a total of 8 teeth.
That's funny that you said "no snaggle tooth". I remember when Isabella just had one tooth on top and it was to the side of where her two front teeth would be. Every single time she smiled I laughed because she looked so odd. Congrats on the new teeth!!!
Very curious how it goes on from now ... because Julius somehow got stuck at #8 for months now ... although he showed sever signs of teething a while ago, including fever ...
Time to start brushing !!!
You have a beautiful little girl and it is obvious that you both are in love with her. I've read through your blog and love the story "On Being a Mom" and had to send it on to my daughter-in-laws, one of which is a new mother of our grandson. Much happiness to your family and I will visit again.
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