Everyday I look at Astrid I think "she can't get any cuter than this" but she does!

A newly born Astrid. (And her proud/happy/excited Papa.)

Astrid at 5 days old, when we took her on her first road trip to San Francisco. Uwe had to attend a 3 day conference there for work. It wasn't a difficult decision to pack up the baby and drive there so that we could all be together. One big happy family. The only other option was staying at home and taking care of a newborn all by myself, while recuperating from the c-section surgery. Um yeah, like I said it wasn't a difficult decision. (Uwe wanted me to add that my option 2 was not an option in his book and he would not have left me alone. If I was not okay with it he would have refused to go to the conference and said that everyone would have understood since we had a new baby. But he needed to go, he wanted to go, and his company wanted him to be there. End of story.) Neither of us got any sleep but I did enjoy seeing my friend Ann (who lives in Berkeley), the room service, the nice bay view from the W hotel, and spending precious time together as a family of three.
Thinking back, what were we nuts to take a 5 day old baby on a 7+ hour drive to San Francisco? (We didn't fly because I was afraid of the air pressure changes on her newborn ears.) Jill (Astrid's Godmother) only recently admitted that everyone did think we were nuts. Haha.
Look at that dark hair! We thought she would have dark hair (like me) and light eyes (like Uwe). We were right about her blue eyes, but wrong about her hair. The dark hair she was born with started falling out after a month and was replaced with the golden blonde hair she has today (which is getting lighter everyday).

Here is Astrid today, sitting on the couch playing with her toy.

As cute as can be...

...and getting cuter and cuter everyday.
I don't think you were nuts. Home alone with a new baby and newly stitched abdomen? Uh, bad idea. Go to SF, get room service, see a friend, and be where Uwe could help? Altogether better for both you and Astrid. And babies at that age don't care whether they're in a bassinet or a car seat anyway. And look at her...she survived, and I daresay it only increased her cuteness. :)
I guess I'm just a big fan of doing what works, even if it seems a little odd at the time.
I was looking through your blog and came across this post. Somehow I never read this one or saw the pics. It's funny that you were talking about how Astrid gets cuter everyday. That's what I was thinking about yesterday with Isabella. I looked through tons of old pics of her and can't believe how much she's changed and how she continues to get cuter somehow. That must be something that parents think about their children until the day they die since I don't see Isabella or Astrid getting any less cute with time. ;)
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