With our house being for sale and all of the viewings, inspections, etc. it wasn't a good time to get a tree. I don't feel too bad about it since Astrid is too young to appreciate a tree anyway.
I want to thank everyone who sent gifts for Astrid. That was very sweet of you. Thank you for thinking of her!
Here she is wearing the winter hat and playing with the burlap bag with baby toiletries that she got from her Godmother Jill.Here she looks puzzled as if she's asking, "Are you serious? I can tear this paper to bits and pieces and it's okay with you? Really?"
Here she's starting to get the hang of it. She liked playing with the tissue paper. We had to keep a watchful eye on her to make sure she didn't put any of it in her mouth.
The pic on the left is Astrid with a collection of CD's called, "Tunes of Toddlers." It has songs, rhymes, and stories. She also got another CD which is called, "ABC's and 1, 2, 3's."
The pic on the right is Astrid trying to chew on her gift bag.

She still has a cold with a runny nose and is a little fussier than usual so Uwe carried her around in the Baby Bjoern for an hour.

We had our friend Dave over and we shared a nice Christmas dinner together. Uwe cooked an 18 lbs organic turkey and I made the side dishes (stuffing, squash with apples, and a sweet potato casserole with pecans).
Uwe decorated the house with candles, so even though we didn't have a Christmas tree this year, it still felt very warm and inviting in our home and all of the lights made it feel like Christmas.

K- I- S- S- I- N- G
First come loves
Then comes marriage
Then comes a baby in a baby carriage

I think we have the very same baby bjoern ... finally at 16 months (and close to the max of 13 kg) I am weaning Julius from it ... Uwe will have lots of fun with it. It is great to have the kid so close, but still 2 arms one can use.
Happy Holidays
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! I love my Baby Bjorn, too. Baylee really likes it; Brayden...not so much.
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