When I look at Astrid's face I stare into her blue eyes to see any signs that they are changing color (becoming lighter blue like her father's, green like Uwe's sister, or hazel like my father's). I see intelligence and curiosity in her eyes. I see the tiny hairs that form her eyelashes and eyebrows. I see her perfectly shaped little button nose. I see her chubby pink cheeks. I see her little baby mouth with the bow tie shaped upper lip. I see her beautiful porcelain skin. I see my daughter growing into a beautiful little girl.
I wonder what she sees when she looks at my face. Does she see the freckles I inherited from my mother? Does she see the green and yellow flecks in my eyes that I inherited from my father? Does she see my Eurasian nose that is a combination of my mother's small Asian nose and my father's large European nose? Does she look past all of my flaws and think I am beautiful, just as I did with my mother? Does she see my love for her when she stares into my eyes?
I hope that we will always see each other. I will always strive to be a beaming, warm light for Astrid to know which way is home. I will always strive to keep an open dialogue between us even if there are many miles separating us. I will always strive to see Astrid for who she is.
What a beautiful touching moment between mother and daughter!
That made me cry. There IS such a special bond between mother and child, isn't there? One of the things I always think about when I look at mine is that they love me so unconditionally--whether I am having a fat day, a bad day, or whatever...
That is a picture to treasure always.
It brings tears to my eyes every time I read it too! I feel such a close mother daughter bond with Astrid and I hope we will always remain close.
I will always strive to see Astrid for who she is.
That is a wonderful gift, because it sets her free to be who she really is. Astrid is very lucky.
What a beautiful post, Rose.
You are a wonderful mother Rose. Unconditional love is the best gift of all.
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